Deborah – WOTB # 8

Deborah’s Story Deborah was a woman of great political power, counselor to her people, a judge and a homemaker. She must have had fire in her eyes, determination in her step and a positive ring…

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Advent to Prepare Room

Advent to Prepare Room Advent is represented by lighting a candle each week on an Advent wreath. Each week represents God’s hope, love, joy, peace and how Jesus’ arrival changed the world. It is meant…

Word of the Day

Doctrine & Orthodoxy vs Heresy Doctrine is a teaching or belief that a church, political party or other group holds as true. Christian doctrines organize and explain the beliefs the church learns from the Bible….

Transformation – Word of the Day

Transformation means A thorough or dramatic change in form or appearance. A metamorphosis in life, a renewal. Can also be the act of changing your life direction or to be transformed into a likeness of…

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