What’s Up Lord!

My Jesus and Me

What’s Up Lord!

Conversational Sharing

I don’t know about you but I talk a lot to myself and with God.  Sometimes out loud sometimes silently, just me and Him.  Why is it I can do that so easily but talking to a person about God who does not know Him, is not nearly so easy. It is just sharing, the Holy Spirit will help me I know He will but still I get tongue-tied and scared of “saying the wrong thing” or “not know the answer to the questions they may have”.  Ever been there?

God put this blog in my head however writing does not come easy for me.  The vision is to have it filled with information we all can identify with about God and a way to share my Faith and my learning to others.  Pray for His guidance as I continue with my focus on Him.

My studies and teachings from: the pulpit, Forgiving Forward, True Spirituality and True Worshipers to name a few, have been so powerful.  Teaching me to listen to God and the Holy Spirit. I get excited starting a new study and can’t wait for the next one, discovering I am forever hungry for more.  Also finding it is way too easy to get lost in work and the world and not take enough time with Him.  As I said before, I have called myself a Christian most of my life.  It is past time to put into practice living the life of a Christian for His glory.  We were created for His delight.

Here I am Lord!

To be in your presence is wonderful and peaceful.  When I feel distant from you, I feel lost and alone. You revealed to me that calling myself a Christian is not being a Christian, I must demonstrate and display the beauty of having a relationship with You.  In my heart I want to share with people that don’t know you.  Lord, give me the courage and the knowledge to be truthful.  A truth that can only come from you. Use me as you wish, I am yours completely.

About the Author

I am a Christian but not a scholar! I have believed in God almost all my life. Spent many years only attending church, reading my bible when I made the time. Recently, I have a yearning to learn and share as much as I can about how to “be like Christ”. Join me on my purposeful journey building a relationship with God the father, the Holy Spirit and his son!

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