Unity – Word of the Day

Word of the Day – Unity

Unity is being together or at one with someone or something. It’s the opposite of being divided.

When a group of people act as one and are on the same page, they’re displaying unity. When people are bickering and disorganized, there’s no unity. In any group or cause, unity can be hard to find and maintain without love.

However, Love is the perfect bond for creating unity.  Staying focused on the goal is a way of remaining in unity.

Make a Miracle Today

Make a Miracle Today

May the God who gives endurance and encouragement give you the same attitude of mind toward each other that Christ Jesus had, (Romans 15:5 NIV)

Colossians 3:14



About the Author

I am a Christian but not a scholar! I have believed in God almost all my life. Spent many years only attending church, reading my bible when I made the time. Recently, I have a yearning to learn and share as much as I can about how to “be like Christ”. Join me on my purposeful journey building a relationship with God the father, the Holy Spirit and his son!

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