August 2016

Unique – Word of the Day

Word of the Day – Unique means Soul representative, being the only one of its kind, unlike anything else. Characteristic only, of belonging or connected to (one particular person, group, or place). Remarkable; extraordinary, without rival synonyms:      distinctive, individual, special, sole, exclusive, rare, uncommon, unusual,…

#7 Word of the Day

#7 Word of the Day The meaning of the number 7 in the bible is the number for completeness or perfection, both of spiritual and physical.  7 is the foundation of God’s word.  God created the…

Deceive – Word of the Day

Deceive – Word of the Day To cause someone to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage, to lead astray or frustrate usually by underhandedness. “I didn’t intend…

We Have A Hope

We Have A Hope Who is your hope in?  Jesus is my rock through everything; grief, brokenness, depression and good times.  Take a moment to connect with your loving God now.  Ask Him, He is waiting for…

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