We Have A Hope

We Have A Hope

Who is your hope in?  Jesus is my rock through everything; grief, brokenness, depression and good times.  Take a moment to connect with your loving God now.  Ask Him, He is waiting for you, He forgives you and welcomes you to His family.

Larry a friend at church wrote the song “I have A Hope”.  The words are so powerful. We sang it in church today and felt strongly that the message needs to be shared.  Larry gave permission to post the lyrics.  Enjoy!

I Have A Hope

Song and music By Lawrence J. Pharr, 8-20-2012

Through all the pain and the tears and the hard knocks of living

Through all of the things that conspire to shatter my soul

In spite of the chaos and conflict, despair and confusion

There is just one thing that I need to know


I have a hope.  I have a promisegratitude-1201972_960_720

I have a future.  An anchor that holds

I have a refuge.  A rock I can run to

Jesus is with me.  He’s in control


Some people say that for every rose there is a thorn

There is no future, no purpose, no reason for living

They say they’d be better off having never been born

But I want you to know.  This one thing I know


We have a hope.  We have a promise

We have a future.  An anchor that holds

We have a refuge.  A rock I can run to

Jesus is with me.  He’s in control


We have a hope.     We have a hope.

Oh, oh, oh, oh         Oh, oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh, oh         Oh, oh, oh, oh

We have a hope (Return to Chorus)

Pray through the the message in the song.  God is waiting to fill the hole in you with His love!

Father God, I pray for every soul reading this message. Lord fill them with your love, illuminate their mind with understanding.


About the Author

I am a Christian but not a scholar! I have believed in God almost all my life. Spent many years only attending church, reading my bible when I made the time. Recently, I have a yearning to learn and share as much as I can about how to “be like Christ”. Join me on my purposeful journey building a relationship with God the father, the Holy Spirit and his son!

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