Unique – Word of the Day

Word of the Day – Unique means

  1. Soul representative, being the only one of its kind, unlike anything else.
  2. Characteristic only, of belonging or connected to (one particular person, group, or place).
  3. Remarkable; extraordinary, without rival

synonyms:      distinctive, individual, special, sole, exclusive, rare, uncommon, unusual, one-of-a-kind, remarkable, exceptional, extraordinary; unequaled, unparalleled, unmatched, unrivaled

“God’s love is unique, unrivaled and extraordinary compared to our human love.”

Equal means being the same size, value and quantity.  It is measurable.  “God’s love can not be measured.”  woman-1195276_960_720

Same means identical, exactly similar.  “No one person is exactly the same and God’s love is never the same for any one person.”  

God love’s everyone uniquely.  What a powerful, loving God we have!

About the Author

I am a Christian but not a scholar! I have believed in God almost all my life. Spent many years only attending church, reading my bible when I made the time. Recently, I have a yearning to learn and share as much as I can about how to “be like Christ”. Join me on my purposeful journey building a relationship with God the father, the Holy Spirit and his son!

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