The Love Challenge

The Love Challenge

Be part of a new movement in America making a conscious effort loving more and fearing less by supporting others.  Showing respect and caring to everyone regardless of how we are treated.  I get selfish too, as it has become the worlds expected way of life now for many years.

We are a society that now portrays an image “I am important,” “it’s all about me” and “what can you do for me?”

I believe we should be “you are important to me” “let me help you” and “what can I do for you?”

Change happens one person at a time and blossoms as it spreads.  — Caring for others is caring for yourself too.  You know the old saying “try it you will like it”.

Once upon a time schools and government were allowed to talk about God, pray and speak of moral character.  Some people were offended and tried to rewrite what the constitution says, since then we have been separating God from our schools, our lives and our government.  It has created chaos.

The wording in the constitution was to protect our individual beliefs from being trampled.  We are left with a void in our moral system that has not been duplicated by man. The foundation of our Country has been compromised.

Jesus taught us to love in how he talked, walked and dealt with people.  Their race, religion or physical need did not matter.  All people are equal and unique to Him.  It is meant for us to be like that too.


God asks us to love and says our greatest commandment is  – Love your neighbor as your self – Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. Also to Love your neighbor as you love yourself as in Matthew 22:37-39.

If we followed in the same manner hate and fear would be diminished greatly.  Are you up for the challenge?

Heavenly Father, We ask for your help bringing a new way of life in loving a caring for all.  Caring for ourselves by caring for others.  You are an awesome God and we can do all things with you!

About the Author

I am a Christian but not a scholar! I have believed in God almost all my life. Spent many years only attending church, reading my bible when I made the time. Recently, I have a yearning to learn and share as much as I can about how to “be like Christ”. Join me on my purposeful journey building a relationship with God the father, the Holy Spirit and his son!

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