Merciful Grace

Merciful Grace

As believers we experience grace every day as being unconditionally and totally accepted by God without question or conditions.  Our God recognizes, cherishes and guards us from evil.

We often try to earn God’s mercy through our “works” but it is by faith in Christ Jesus that we are made right with God.  Israel struggled trying very hard to be right with God by “keeping the Law” instead of trusting Him as it says in Romans 9:30-33.  Neither “works” nor “keeping the Law” will give you the right results.

Grace is unmerited favor that flows from God.  Mercy denies the penalty we deserve, while grace provides a blessing we haven’t earned.  We must believe and repent as mercy can’t be earned, it is freely given to all believers by Jesus’ dying on the cross.  We too should give mercy and forgiveness to others.

I have seen God’s grace and blessings throughout my life.  I love my family they are very important to me.  God has blessed me with 3 wonderful children and 5 grandchildren so far and a wonderful extended family that I love and enjoy being with as well.  My church is also like family, a well-organized group of people who love God, love worshiping together and helping people.  Life is full when you appreciate and make the best of what you have.

The world needs us to be humble and show love.  Our job is not be harsh or judgmental with words or deeds to people with different ideas or lifestyles.  It is to shine love and mercy to everyone!

Here are some favorite songs about Grace – old and new

 “Amazing Grace” by a variety of artists

“Call it Grace” by Unspoken

“Grace” by Laura Story

 “Grace Wins” Matthew West

“Your Grace is Enough” by Matt Maher

Dear Lord, fill us with your grace and mercy every day.  Let your love shine through us. You are my awesome God!

About the Author

I am a Christian but not a scholar! I have believed in God almost all my life. Spent many years only attending church, reading my bible when I made the time. Recently, I have a yearning to learn and share as much as I can about how to “be like Christ”. Join me on my purposeful journey building a relationship with God the father, the Holy Spirit and his son!

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