Wondrous and Mysterious Trails
Wondrous and Mysterious Trails In my reading yesterday I found in Proverbs a verse that spoke to me about how God’s plan’s are far more imaginative and mysterious than we can sometimes comprehend. But the mystery…
Wondrous and Mysterious Trails In my reading yesterday I found in Proverbs a verse that spoke to me about how God’s plan’s are far more imaginative and mysterious than we can sometimes comprehend. But the mystery…
Control or A Spin Out Ever lose control of your life? Whether it be eating, your temper, spending or whatever we indulge in too much that gets out of control. I have been in a…
Straddling Two Worlds Life is full of unexpected surprises. I have come to realize for much of my life I kept one foot in the world and one foot being a Christian. Afraid to leave either…
Rooted and Filled – Word of the Day Rooted means cause to grow roots and establish deeply and firmly Filled means to be filled or become an overwhelming presence in Frances Chan, author and speaker, spoke…