Three Sick Women – WOTB #3

Three Sick Women – Healed by Jesus! Virtually unnamed, just their stories are told. All miracles and all praised the Lord for their healing!
Woman with a Fever – she was the mother-in-law to Simon who Jesus called Peter. Jesus came to her bedside and merely touched her hand and the fever left her. It is said she assisted with the ministry before her illness and is reported in Luke, Matthew and Mark that she ministered to the them afterward to show her gratitude in the only way she knew how. Because she owed her life to Christ she expressed her gratitude as a good servant, sharing His news.
Woman with Blood Issue – For 12 years she was weak, disheartened and weary, regarded as unclean and had restricted contact with others. Luke states that no Doctor was able to heal her, but she believed that Jesus could. All she did was gently touch the hem of Jesus’ tunic, instantly she could feel the healing energy go through her body and Jesus also sensed that power had gone from Him, for He said “Your faith has made you whole, go in peace.” The disciples also declared that her faith had made her clean. After Jesus healed her, she ministered to them. The church felt she should have a name so they called her Veronica and erected a bronze statue in her honor. She went from being an outcast to being respected among her people.
Woman Crooked for 18 years – Her ailment was possibly from an accident or severe arthritis. She had lost all hope of a normal life. In Synagogue, on the Sabbath, she came before Jesus, bent over unable to raise herself up to look him in the face. Turning to her, he lay his hand on her and said “Woman, you are freed from your disability,” and she stood. Luke states that she did not take her healing for granted but offered a prayer of adoration to the “giver of all good.”

I love that “The Giver of all good,” Jesus! Three women who did everything they could to be healed by Jesus. Then gave all the glory back to Jesus. What makes us so fearful to ask? Oh, to have just a small bit of the faith they did.

Father God, you are our mighty healer! Thank you for your miracles. Please I ask to help us to believe, remove our fear and fill us with your blessings.

About the Author

I am a Christian but not a scholar! I have believed in God almost all my life. Spent many years only attending church, reading my bible when I made the time. Recently, I have a yearning to learn and share as much as I can about how to “be like Christ”. Join me on my purposeful journey building a relationship with God the father, the Holy Spirit and his son!

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