Miriam – WOTB #5

Women of the Bible – Miriam is known as a Prophetess to the women, Patriotic, honored and reverenced by her people for years and is mentioned along with Moses and Aaron in Micah 6:4.

Scene 1, Portrait of Miriam – Courageous, Guardian, Fearless

Miriam was about 7, instrumental in saving her brother Moses ensuring he finds safety from death with Pharaoh’s family, also arranging for her mother to care and nurse Moses with them. Very unusual for a girl so young and a look into the woman she was to become.

Scene 2, The Deliverance and song “Sing unto the Lord”

Opens when Israel’s deliverance in motion. Miriam held a unique place among the Hebrew women as a Prophetess. She is noted for having ministered to her people and was revered as the sister of Aaron and Moses. She also started the first women’s movement leading the women of Israel through the red sea, singing the first known National anthem “Sing unto the Lord, for he triumphed gloriously; the horse and rider he has thrown into the sea,” Exodus 15:21. It became one of the earliest songs in Hebrew literature. They celebrated afterward singing, dancing joyfully, playing the tambourine.

She must have been a commanding figure. It was her great hour, she was the new renowned woman who filled an important role in the founding of the the Hebrew community.

Her Spiritual Fall & Healing

Scene 3, Her character changes, she spiritually fell. Possibly because of jealousy for Moses’ position and her opposition to him marrying his wife, due to her being outside of their race and religion. She spoke about it privately and publicly, it took over her whole character.

She was then stricken with Leprosy. Moses cried out to God to heal both mind and soul of her affliction and was then allowed back into the camp. She was touched by her Moses spirit of love and the people would also not leave until she was well and could join them traveling.

Her Death

Scene 4, Miriam was deeply honored at her death and her cry of exaltation signified freedom for the new Israel is still heard, song still lives on, even though she never reached the promised land. Her death was celebrated in a most solemn manner for 30 days.

About the Author

I am a Christian but not a scholar! I have believed in God almost all my life. Spent many years only attending church, reading my bible when I made the time. Recently, I have a yearning to learn and share as much as I can about how to “be like Christ”. Join me on my purposeful journey building a relationship with God the father, the Holy Spirit and his son!

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