Mary – WOTB # 6

Women of the Bible – Mary – the virgin mother of Jesus.

Mary was mysterious – She was the Mom of Jesus, Mom of God, Mom of the Holy Spirit, daughter of God, daughter of the king and the bride of Christ. She was unique, unlike any one else then or now.

She was a Radical:

She was a radical disciple by the fact “she said yes to God!” She said “I am God’s servant” and how she responded to the Angel. She accepted the message given with faith and inevitability.
She set a great example by saying yes, how she listened to the angel, she obeyed God and was obedient to His word.
Being radical is to: Show people the way to live fully, live to an extreme and be life-giving. She was close to the source of the root (Jesus) or cause. That’s Jesus’ Mary.

She Produced Fruit:
She physically carried Jesus. She carried the message, received the message and shared the message.
We can too with the Holy Spirit. Sharing the good news of Jesus bears fruit.

Timeline of “12 Mary stories”

  1. Luke 1:26-38 – Very young an obscure peasant girl was visited by an angel, was overshadowed by the Holy Spirit (God), that she would give birth to the “Son of the Most High” who sits on the “throne of his father David.”
  2. Luke 1:46-55 – Is her song of praise a majestic poem. Is written as a young pregnant virgin while visiting a relative Elizabeth, who was expecting John the Baptist and she engaged to marry Joseph also a direct descendant of David. 
  3. Luke 2:4-6 – She and Joseph traveled to Bethlehem where Jesus was born in a manger.
  4. Luke 2:21-24 – They presented Jesus to the Lord at temple for circumcision and sacrifices. It was pronounced at that time that He was ‘the one, the redeemer of the world.”
  5. Matt 2:13-18 – visited by Magi in Bethlehem and was advised to take refuge in Egypt from King Herod.
  6. Luke 2:41-48 – frantic when Jesus at age 12 they thought was lost, was found in the temple. He turns and asks why didn’t you think to look for me here, it should have been obvious.
  7. John 2:1-5 – she instigated Jesus’ first miracle at a wedding in Cana. The beginning of his ministry.
  8. Mark 6:2-3 – she was scoffed by saying that Jesus “was only the son of Mary”…
  9. Luke 8:19-21 – Dismissed by Jesus who said all who believe and hear God’s word are my family
  10. Luke 11:27 – blessed by a woman in the crowd for birthing Jesus.
  11. John 19:25-27 – present at Jesus crucifixion. Up front and center, was given to the disciple John to care for her.
  12. Acts 1:12-15 – awaiting the promised Holy Spirit.  Mary with disciples and other women, united in prayer and about 120 people. She was a key figure in the early church.

“The knot of Eve’s disobedience was loosened by the obedience of Mary. The knot which the virgin Eve tied by her unbelief, the Virgin Mary opened by her belief.” (St Irenaeus of Lyons, quote) is speculated to be prophesy of Mary between Eve and herself.

There is no record of the time or manner of her death but she and her story live on even to this day. It began centuries ago but is known to the ends of the earth. She will never be forgotten and will be revered as a most beautiful example of motherhood and most blessed among women.

About the Author

I am a Christian but not a scholar! I have believed in God almost all my life. Spent many years only attending church, reading my bible when I made the time. Recently, I have a yearning to learn and share as much as I can about how to “be like Christ”. Join me on my purposeful journey building a relationship with God the father, the Holy Spirit and his son!

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