

Solidarity My life with Jesus is better when I am in continual communication with Him.  Whether it be in prayer, in the Word or at church.  I spent many years believing and going to church…

We Have A Hope

We Have A Hope Who is your hope in?  Jesus is my rock through everything; grief, brokenness, depression and good times.  Take a moment to connect with your loving God now.  Ask Him, He is waiting for…

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Conviction – Word of the Day

Conviction means A firmly held belief or opinion. “He felt convicted for not spending time with God.” synonyms:  belief, opinion, view, thought, position, stance, article of faith A formal declaration that someone is guilty of a criminal offense,…

A Journey Toward Hope

Hope opens the door to joy and joy feeds our hope.  Finding hope where we are is not always easy.  It takes practice, but I believe it takes more energy to see negatively than it does…

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