
The Love Challenge

The Love Challenge Be part of a new movement in America making a conscious effort loving more and fearing less by supporting others.  Showing respect and caring to everyone regardless of how we are treated.  I…

Unique – Word of the Day

Word of the Day – Unique means Soul representative, being the only one of its kind, unlike anything else. Characteristic only, of belonging or connected to (one particular person, group, or place). Remarkable; extraordinary, without rival synonyms:      distinctive, individual, special, sole, exclusive, rare, uncommon, unusual,…

We Have A Hope

We Have A Hope Who is your hope in?  Jesus is my rock through everything; grief, brokenness, depression and good times.  Take a moment to connect with your loving God now.  Ask Him, He is waiting for…

Living Gracefully

Living Gracefully Ok, so we live in a time where we talk a little snappy, are sarcastic in tone almost to the point of rudeness.  Sarcastic talk is the new normal.  But our tone can…

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