Volunteers Needed

Volunteers Needed

Many opportunities await when you look for them.  Winter is the best time to help with serving you will warm hearts and souls.  Not just holidays but through the whole season.  A church I attended years ago would gather cotton socks, hats and mittens then distribute them to the homeless usually with a meal instead of a gift for Pastor Bill’s birthday.  He considered that a better gift than any present.  They still do it, more than ten years later.

Working together as community can be a positive way to expend frustrations by giving back to people gives us rewards tenfold.  Jesus tells us to go out into the world, serve and encourage others.  What’s better than eating together and making friends or just listening?

One Thanksgiving, my first one after the divorce without my kids.  I was a little despondent and not sure what to do.  My church was cooking and serving a feast so I signed up to bring food and help.  It ended up being a verygrace-clipart-lovegrowserveclipart fulfilling and memorable day.  It was a new beginning realizing there is life when your kids are not around.

Some personal face time, one on one with people who have needs and have so much to give is time well spent.  Since we live in such an electronic age where we either spend much time talking on the phone and texting or emailing to keep in contact.

There are many opportunities to share and serve in your community.  In the resource page on my website are several options to find in your local community from churches to rescue missions to volunteering and human trafficking.  I don’t think we have a neighborhood that does not have some issue or resource to help out.  Look, investigate and make the connection.  You won’t regret sharing yourself with others.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for teaching us to be in community.  Help us to build a strong community that loves and encourages each other.

About the Author

I am a Christian but not a scholar! I have believed in God almost all my life. Spent many years only attending church, reading my bible when I made the time. Recently, I have a yearning to learn and share as much as I can about how to “be like Christ”. Join me on my purposeful journey building a relationship with God the father, the Holy Spirit and his son!

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