Wondrous and Mysterious Trails

My Jesus and Me

Wondrous and Mysterious Trails

In my reading yesterday I found in Proverbs a verse that spoke to me about how God’s plan’s are far more imaginative and mysterious than we can sometimes comprehend. But the mystery is that we don’t have to know everything about a plan, only to trust in His plan for us and He will see us through it.

In the scripture below it says four things are difficult to understand because their movements leave no tracks to follow or because they relate to things not easy to master.

18 There are three mysteries I find absolutely amazing,
    no, make it four I cannot comprehend:
19 The way an eagle flies through the sky,
    the way a snake moves over a rock,
The way a boat glides through the middle of the sea,
    and the way a man becomes one with his virgin wife.  (Proverbs 30:18-19 The Voice)

  • Eagles are masters of all they survey, truly wonderful and difficult to explain their magnificent presence.  Showing beauty, power and grace.
  • Snakes are an incredible example of contrasts with the ability to glide effortlessly over any landscape.  Proving strength, endurance and resourcefulness.
  • Ships are a source of mystery and legends.  Any ship is at the mercy and power of the sea.  Giving mercy and peace.
  • The way of a man with his bride.  What is more mysterious than the first experience of love and intimacy between a man and woman? Loving is one of man’s most genuine forces of nature.

Remember focus on God’s word and not the trail in front of you.  Leave a paperless trail for others to the wonders of God’s mercy, love and mystery’s.

Heavenly Father, Guide me through the wonderful mysteries you have put in my path. Fill me with your love, power and strength, leaving an unseen trail for others to follow.

About the Author

I am a Christian but not a scholar! I have believed in God almost all my life. Spent many years only attending church, reading my bible when I made the time. Recently, I have a yearning to learn and share as much as I can about how to “be like Christ”. Join me on my purposeful journey building a relationship with God the father, the Holy Spirit and his son!

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