Love Family

Peace, Healing and Joy

Peace, Healing and Joy Where is Peace? Anger, hatred, fear and strife are consuming our lives and hearts.  I am very concerned at the disturbances and defamation that continue in our cities for years and keep getting…

The Love Challenge

The Love Challenge Be part of a new movement in America making a conscious effort loving more and fearing less by supporting others.  Showing respect and caring to everyone regardless of how we are treated.  I…

Forever Thankful

Being Thankful I am so thankful for life, my family and how awesome it is to be a grandma!  I have the privilege of living with two of my older grandchildren.  Life is always unexpected,…

Living Gracefully

Living Gracefully Ok, so we live in a time where we talk a little snappy, are sarcastic in tone almost to the point of rudeness.  Sarcastic talk is the new normal.  But our tone can…

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