Truth Bible

Discernment – Word of the Day

Discernment – Practicing Good Judgment A simple definition for discernment is the ability to decide between truth/ False and right/wrong in the world and in our Faith. It also means- The ability to judge well….

Hearing the Good News

The Gentiles Hear the Good News 34 Then Peter replied, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. 35 In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right. 36 This is the message of…


Solidarity My life with Jesus is better when I am in continual communication with Him.  Whether it be in prayer, in the Word or at church.  I spent many years believing and going to church…

Absolute Truth vs. Relative Truth

Absolute is viewed or existing independently, not in relation to other things, not relative or comparative. synonyms:  complete, total, utter, outright, entire “She trusts God absolutely.” Absolute Truth is a quality of truth that cannot be beaten…

#7 Word of the Day

#7 Word of the Day The meaning of the number 7 in the bible is the number for completeness or perfection, both of spiritual and physical.  7 is the foundation of God’s word.  God created the…

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