action and reaction

Peace – Word of the Day

Peace – Word of the Day is a state of tranquility or quiet: such as a freedom from civil disturbance. It is harmony in personal relationships. Peace is a pact or agreement to end hostilities…

Peace, Healing and Joy

Peace, Healing and Joy Where is Peace? Anger, hatred, fear and strife are consuming our lives and hearts.  I am very concerned at the disturbances and defamation that continue in our cities for years and keep getting…

Limbo Anyone?

Limbo Anyone? How many times I have said “What does God want for my life?”  Or “I want to do it God’s way”.  Then find myself waiting and waiting, wondering when God will answer.  I…

Build Your Relationships

Relationship with God   Our actions and how we respond to situations should indicate there is something different about a Christian.  Most people don’t realize Christians are imperfect humans however the world expects us to be perfect….

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