relationship with God

Hearing the Good News

The Gentiles Hear the Good News 34 Then Peter replied, “I see very clearly that God shows no favoritism. 35 In every nation he accepts those who fear him and do what is right. 36 This is the message of…

Finding Joy

Finding Joy A missed opportunity.  Pastor was going to ask me to speak about Joy at our Thanksgiving brunch. Unfortunately, I never listened to or responded to the message he left.  So I will share a…


Solidarity My life with Jesus is better when I am in continual communication with Him.  Whether it be in prayer, in the Word or at church.  I spent many years believing and going to church…

Deceive – Word of the Day

Deceive – Word of the Day To cause someone to believe something that is not true, typically in order to gain some personal advantage, to lead astray or frustrate usually by underhandedness. “I didn’t intend…

Build Your Relationships

Relationship with God   Our actions and how we respond to situations should indicate there is something different about a Christian.  Most people don’t realize Christians are imperfect humans however the world expects us to be perfect….

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