
Hope For The World

Jesus is our hope in the world!  He broke down barriers that divide, cause antagonism and distrust.  As believers we can live in harmony and trust with hope and peace in what God shows and…


Solidarity My life with Jesus is better when I am in continual communication with Him.  Whether it be in prayer, in the Word or at church.  I spent many years believing and going to church…

Limbo Anyone?

Limbo Anyone? How many times I have said “What does God want for my life?”  Or “I want to do it God’s way”.  Then find myself waiting and waiting, wondering when God will answer.  I…

Insert Time with God

Insert Time with God I feel needy lately.  With my jobs and sleep requirements, I have been neglecting my personal time with God.  My emotions are out of whack, I feel lost and alone, like I am…

Build Your Relationships

Relationship with God   Our actions and how we respond to situations should indicate there is something different about a Christian.  Most people don’t realize Christians are imperfect humans however the world expects us to be perfect….

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